Thursday, January 9, 2014


Things have changed in the Red House.  Again.  My job needs me, so my glorious part-time work hours have moved back into full-time hours.  It’s definitely nice to be needed at work but it was really amazing to have so much more time in my day to spend with my family.  Of course, this now adds a whole other layer of worry as we prepare for yet another childcare situation.
If you’re a regular reader of Tales From the Red House, you know that we’ve tried the YMCA program offered onsite at the school and that didn’t work.  That was in the height of my son’s violent outbursts and we were getting called out of work several times a week to pick him up.  We have also tried two home daycares and they didn’t work either. 

This time, we hired someone to watch our kids, and only our kids, in our home.  She takes the kids to school, picks them up from school, makes them lunch and then spends the afternoon playing Hide & Seek, Musical Chairs and working on crafts.  This week is only the first week but it seems to be going really well so far.  Our nanny seems happy, the kids absolutely love her and that in turn, allows me to breathe the biggest sigh of relief. 
So please, wish us luck as we begin our latest installment of Adventures in Babysitting!  This will hopefully be the final episode in this seemingly never-ending series. 

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